Software Solutions

Meter Reading

Lubricant Sales

Credit Sales

Generate Statement

Day Book

Purchase Invoice

Bill Register

Software Highlights

Salient Features

Petro Genius is certified by RPDA (Rajasthan Petroleum Dealers Association).

  • A Cloud based complete Accounting and Inventory management solution.
  • Data on fully secured dedicated server .
  • Access to data and reports anytime and anywhere.
  • Personalised Dashboard for Pump owner .
  • Personalised dashboard for Credit Customer .
  • HR / Payroll module.
  • Driver loyalty Program .
  • Scheme and point systems.
  • Complete control of Pump owner on sales and credit limits.
  • Outstanding List on fingertips of the pump owner .
  • Mobile app for pump owner .
  • Mobile app for Salesman to do daily credit sales.
  • Mobile app for Credit customer as well .
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Analytical Reports

Petro Genius is certified by RPDA (Rajasthan Petroleum Dealers Association).

  • Nozzle wise/ Dispensing unit wise Sales.
  • Location wise Sales & Purchase.
  • Item wise/ Party wise/ Vehicle wise Sales.
  • Month wise Purchase/Sales.
  • Salesman wise Day Book.
  • Day Book - Consolidated.
  • Party wise Outstanding.
  • Individual Credit sales wise Outstanding.
  • Credit Sales statement wise Outstanding.
  • Age-wise analysis.
  • Year wise/ Month wise Sales.
  • Party wise Analysis.
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Stock / Inventory Report

It is a very useful software for the dealers who are the distributor of SKO as well.

  • Item wise/ Value wise Stock Report.
  • Location wise Stock Report.
  • Salesman wise Stock Report.
  • Item Ledger Report.
  • Item Movement Report.
  • Calculates Closing stock on As per Purchase Rate/Sale Rate/Last Purchase.

Bulk SMS

Petro Genius is GST ready and provides all required reports and calculation as per GST norms.

  • SMS on Cash and Credit Sales
  • SMS on Credit Sales to Credit Customers
  • SMS on Statement Generation
  • SMS on Payment Receipt
  • SMS on Delayed Payment
  • SMS on Due Pollution
  • SMS on Birthday & Anniversary

Graphical Reports

Petro Genius is GST ready and provides all required reports and calculation as per GST norms.

  • Month wise Sales/ Purchase
  • Month wise Stock
  • Cash Flow
  • Daily Cash and Credit Sales
  • Sales Comparison Previous and Current Month
  • Year wise/ Month wise Comparison


Petro Genius is GST ready and provides all required reports and calculation as per GST norms.

  • Ledger Account
  • Cash Account & Bank Account
  • Bank Reconciliation
  • Cost Accounting
  • Ledger Report
  • Cash In & Cash Out
  • Daily Cash balance to track negative cash
  • Trial Balance: Ledger wise/ Group wise
  • List of Debtors and Creditors
  • Trading Report
  • Profit & Loss Report
  • Balance Sheet
  • Track of Cash Payment paid to drivers through individual credit sales
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Petro Genius More Features

Exillien Softech Pvt. Ltd.

Petro Genius -
Petrol Pump Management Software

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